My Casco +
Persons with any driving experience and of any age are admitted to driving
Territory of the contract is Ukraine, Europe, Turkey, Georgia
No restrictions regarding the place of car storage
In case of minor accident or damage - claim payment will be made without the need to submit a report issued by the police

Deductible in case of an accident caused by the driver of another vehicle, even if the contract specifies a deductible greater than 0%.
Coverage area – worldwide.
Insurance payout within 30 days
The currency of insurance is either Ukrainian UAH or USD
1. Insurance object
Property on the right of possession and/or use and/or disposal, namely: a vehicle (hereinafter - the vehicle) with which the Insured's insurance interests are related.
Under this product, technically sound passenger cars, motorcycles and trailers, as well as additional equipment to them that is not included in the factory equipment, are accepted for insurance.
2. Insurance risks and insurance limits
Insurance risks:
- Illegal possession committed by means of theft, robbery, or plunder;
- Road traffic accidents, including throwing stones from under the wheels of the vehicle, collisions with animals while the vehicle is moving;
- Unlawful acts of third parties;
- Natural disaster: flood, storm, hurricane, tornado, storm, rainstorm, hail, collapse, avalanche, landslide, groundwater leakage, mudflow, lightning strike, ground subsidence, earthquake, etc;
- Fire, explosion or spontaneous combustion;
- Spontaneous fall of trees, stones or other objects; animal attack, damage to the vehicle by water or other objects or liquids as a result of a breakdown of utility networks; damage to the vehicle as a result of the vehicle falling under the road surface (hereinafter referred to as “Other cases”);
- War risks.
Insurance limitations:
The following vehicles are not eligible for insurance under this product:
- Vehicles that are not registered in Ukraine or are not subject to state registration;
- Vehicles that are in a technically defective condition and cannot be allowed to drive in accordance with the requirements of the Traffic Rules;
- Vehicles without a body number (if it is not provided by the manufacturer or destroyed);
- Vehicles used as a taxi, for carsharing, test driving, training, competitions, as replacement vehicles, are leased or rented;
- Vehicles over 15 years old;
- Vehicles of other types than passenger vehicles, their trailers and motorcycles (e.g., trucks, trailers, agricultural machinery, etc;)
- Vehicles of security companies, carriers (including dangerous goods), public transport, security companies, police, SES, ambulance, utilities, courier and airport services, military, demining services;
- Vehicles that are pledged or leased.
3. Minimum and maximum amounts of the sum insured (limit of liability)
The minimum and maximum amounts of the sum insured are not limited.
The sum insured shall be non-aggregate, set by agreement of the Parties and shall correspond to the actual value of the vehicle in US dollars at the time of conclusion of the insurance contract.
4. Minimum and maximum amounts of insurance premium and/or insurance tariff
The insurance rate may range from 0.65% to 21% of the sum insured.
Insurance premium = insurance tariff * sum insured in dollars USA.
5. Type, minimum and maximum amounts of deductible (if any)
The unconditional deductible shall be set by agreement of the Parties and shall be chosen by the Insured from the options from 0% to 5% of the sum insured. In this case:
- 0% deductible shall be applied regardless of the deductible selected under the insurance contract if the accident is not the fault of the Insured (customer bonus);
- in any case, a deductible in the amount of:
2.5% of the sum insured - if the person driving at the time of the accident was younger than the age specified in the insurance contract among the drivers authorized to drive;
5% of the sum insured or UAH 15,000 (the greater of the two) - if the average monthly mileage of the vehicle from the date of conclusion of the insurance contract to the date of occurrence of the insured event under the risks of Road Accidents, Illegal Acts of Third Parties and Other Events exceeds 5,000 km (only for vehicles with the sum insured up to UAH 500,000).
6. Territory and term of the insurance contract (including information on the procedure for its entry into force and insurance period(s) (if any))
Insurance territory: Ukraine, European and CIS countries (except for the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation), Georgia, Turkey.
The insurance contract does not apply:
- temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine;
- on the territory of Ukraine where public authorities temporarily do not exercise their powers and in settlements located on the demarcation line;
- on the territory of war zones of any nature;
- in areas where a state of emergency has been officially declared or in an area officially recognized by state authorities as a possible natural disaster area, if such declaration was made prior to the conclusion of the insurance contract;
- roads where sports competitions are held.
The term of the insurance contract is 1 calendar year.
7. Possible Consequences for the Consumer in Case of Non-Fulfillment of Obligations Defined by the Insurance Contract
In case of non-fulfillment by the consumer of the obligations defined by the insurance contract, refusal of insurance compensation is possible.
8. Information about the Possibility to Purchase the Insurance Product Separately
The insurance product is not an addition to other goods, works, or services that are not insurance-related.
9. Conditions for Obtaining a Discount on the Insurance Product and Promotional Offers of the Insurer
Discounts and promotional offers for the insurance product are not provided.
10. List of information essential for assessing insurance risk and/or other circumstances considered when determining the amount of the insurance premium
The information essential for the insurer’s decision on the insurance premium amount under the contract and the assessment of insurance risk includes details on:
- the insured vehicle as specified in the vehicle registration certificate;
- the country of origin of the vehicle, drivers authorized to operate the insured vehicle, the primary area of use, the nature and/or intensity of vehicle operation, the vehicle’s technical condition, any existing damages, and detected hidden defects;
- losses related to the insured vehicle that occurred before the contract was concluded (including those covered under insurance contracts with other insurers);
- all active insurance contracts concluded for the insured vehicle;
- the presence of legal grounds or other legal relationships establishing the Policyholder’s and Beneficiary’s insurable interest in the vehicle;
- changes in vehicle ownership (sale, donation, etc.), issuance of a power of attorney granting another person the right to manage the vehicle, signing a preliminary purchase agreement for the insured vehicle, receipt of a deposit;
- replacement of the vehicle’s body or engine, installation of additional equipment and/or replacement of vehicle components different from those originally insured, including modifications requiring registration of such changes with competent authorities, as well as vehicle registration (re-registration);
- deregistration of the vehicle or cancellation of its state registration;
- the vehicle being listed as stolen, under arrest, or subject to encumbrance (except for encumbrances related to the fulfillment of contractual obligations between the Policyholder and Beneficiary);
- leasing/subleasing, renting, car-sharing, pledging, or using the vehicle as a taxi;
- loss of registration documents and/or keys to the insured vehicle and/or key fobs, remote controls for the vehicle’s alarm system;
- errors, malfunctions in the operation of computer equipment, software, or embedded microchips, components;
- breakdown, removal, deactivation, or replacement of anti-theft devices.
Disclaimer: Before signing the insurance contract, it is necessary to review the information on exclusions from insurance cases, grounds for refusal of insurance payments, liability limits of the insurer for a specific insured object, insurance risk, and/or insurance case, as well as the calculation procedure and conditions for making insurance payments at the following link: https://uniqa.ua/storage/insurance-products/reports-files/4606_umovy_13.06.2024.pdf
- Protects against currency fluctuations
- Covers war risks
- Covers the cost of car repair or complete destruction
- 0% deductible if the driver of another car is to blame for the accident
- Valid on the territory of Ukraine, European countries, Georgia and Turkey
- Without reference to the place of storage
- Technical Assistance as a gift
The online Casco calculation helps to understand the approximate budget for insurance. Online Casco insurance does not take into account many nuances, and it can sometimes be difficult to choose the right program on your own. For example, you might want to reduce the rate without worsening the protection conditions. Or you might want to insure your car only against theft. The calculator will help you estimate how much such car insurance will cost. However, an insurance company expert will consider all your wishes and help you choose the optimal option.
Casco provides insurance for a car against damage, theft, fire, natural disasters, and other unforeseen situations. It covers damages to your car regardless of the occurrence of an accident or other incidents.
MTPL covers damages caused to third parties in the event of a road accident caused by you. It does not cover damage to your own car or other expenses related to its repair.
Casco is suitable for those who want to maximally protect their car from various risks.
MTPL is mandatory for all drivers and provides protection to third parties in the event of an accident caused by you.