Read more about life and health insurance
Life and health insurance: why do you need this service?
The answer is simple - to feel more confident.
Usually, by the age of 30-35, a person realizes how valuable their life and health are. The future depends on today's activity - for example, the ability to save for retirement. A person's well-being largely determines the fate of their children, elderly parents, and sometimes even business partners and employees.
Unfortunately, there are no guarantees of healthy longevity. Therefore, financial protection of life through life insurance has become the norm in many countries. There is an opinion that taking out insurance is a duty to your family, relatives, civic duty, and simply a necessity.
Be that as it may, this service is becoming popular in Ukraine as well.
What does life insurance look like?
According to Ukrainian law, everyone in our country can use voluntary life and health insurance. It allows you to make personal savings for 5, 10, 15, or even 30 years - along with financial health protection. Therefore, all life programs can be divided into two large groups: accumulative and risky. They can be used simultaneously or separately. Each type of protection has its own characteristics.
How does savings insurance work?
The service is similar to a bank deposit - long-term and with regular replenishment. Additional income is accrued on the accumulated amount, and the client receives this money by the end of the contract.
Important: the accumulation program has a very important difference from a deposit. You can receive a payment not only after the end of its term, but also in difficult life situations - disability, accident. The client will receive the money, and in the most difficult situations - his relatives.
How does LIFE risk insurance work?
This is protection in case of health problems - such as injury, surgery or serious illness, when expensive treatment is required. Sudden death is another possible risk. In such a situation, the insurer will pay the amount specified in advance in the policy. The money can be used at your discretion. For example, to pay for medical services, to spend on rehabilitation, to compensate for the loss of income or to provide material support for the family.
How can you insure?
Understanding the nuances of life insurance is not an easy task, so an electronic online calculator will not help here. We advise you to get the advice of an expert to choose the optimal life and health insurance contract.
Important: you can take out a policy for yourself or your family at UNIQA. We also offer corporate programs. They will be useful to responsible employers - everyone who wants to provide a reliable social package to their team.
How does health insurance work?
Voluntary health insurance, or DMS, allows you to receive medical assistance in case of sudden illnesses or exacerbation of chronic health problems. UNIQA organizes the treatment of its clients in partner clinics throughout Ukraine, the call of an "ambulance" team and a doctor to their homes, and the delivery of medicines. Such a policy compensates most of the costs of medical services and the purchase of drugs prescribed by a doctor. This service is suitable for those who value comfort and quality of treatment.