Insured Events with life insurance - photo

Insured Events with life insurance

Actions in the case of an event with the characteristics of an insured event:

1. If you or the insured person are involved in an event with the characteristics of an insured event, and this event is specified in the insurance policy (for example, death, traumatic injuries, or disability, etc.), it is necessary to notify the Insurance Company within 2 (two) working days after the moment of the event occurrence by telephone indicated below:

UNIQA contact centre 0 800 600 600 (toll-free within the territory of Ukraine)

2. Submit to the Insurance Company all necessary documents for payment of insurance indemnity. Deadline for documents submission - within 15 (fifteen) working days after the insured event occurrence. If it is impossible to provide the documents within the specified period due to objective reasons, these documents must be submitted within 3 (three) working days after the date of their receipt from the relevant competent authorities.

 UNIQA Life Insurance Company, Private Joint Stock Company: 04112, Kyiv, 6, letter B, Oleny Telihy Str.


3. The Beneficiary, personal data of which is specified in the insurance policy, or heirs, when the Beneficiary is not specified in the insurance policy, shall submit the documents required for payment of insurance indemnity.
The list of standard documents required for claim payment can be found in the section "List of required documents in case of an insured event occurrence".


In the case of an insured event occurrence outside of Ukraine, in addition to the above documents, the Beneficiary (or heir) must provide a translation into Ukrainian of documents confirming the fact and circumstances of the insured event occurrence. The translation must be notarized or stamped and signed by the authorised representative of the legal entity, employing translators with relevant documented qualification.

Files for filling in and downloading

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