Mobile App
Questions and answers
Mobile App
Will the request history be preserved in the new app?
Yes, all previous request history is fully retained in the new version of myUNIQA Ukraine, with options to filter by type, status, and date of claims.
Can the old app be deleted after installing the new one?
Yes, the "old" mobile app can be deleted after the new app has been successfully installed and activated.
Will the old app continue working after the launch of the new one?
The "new" and "old" mobile apps will operate in parallel for a while (approximately until May 2025).
We actively encourage all clients to transition to the new myUNIQA Ukraine app while providing sufficient time for adaptation.
What should I do if I encounter issues with the new app?
If you experience any problems with the new app, please contact our assistance team using any method that is convenient for you:
- chatbot Telegram or Viber,
- (097) 170 03 73, (066) 170 03 73, (093) 170 03 73.

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