My business protection - photo

My business protection

Protection from accidents every day

Insurance amount up to UAH 400,000

Coverage area - Ukraine or worldwide

A medical certificate is not required to conclude the contract

How it works
Financial protection for injuries and fractures
Payment in case of burns
Payment in case of electric shock or lightning strike
Payment in case of gas and chemical poisoning
Insurance coverage components
What risks are covered?

Payments for injuries and fractures

Payments according to the sick leave due to an accident

Disability of group 1 or 2 as a result of an accident

Death as a result of an accident

What does the cost depend on?

On the number of employees

От территории действия

From the profession, type of occupation of employees

Term of the contract

From 1 month to 1 year with a step of one month

Consider additionally
My health
Ensure timely medical assistance for your employees.
What does the medical insurance contract cover?

Emergency medical assistance

Emergency hospitalization

Outpatient and polyclinic treatment

Specialized diagnostics, consultation with a specialized doctor

Inpatient treatment

Planned and emergency dentistry

What does the cost depend on?

On the class of clinics

On the set of coverage options

On the number of employees

Is there a deductible?

The deductible is not included in standard programs. If desired, the deductible can be included in specific coverage options.

Coverage limit

Up to 300 000 UAH

My MTPL business
Mandatory insurance for owners of car fleets that provides compensation to those injured in accidents that occurred due to the fault of the fleet's driver.
What does the cost depend on?

On the type of vehicle

On the deductible amount

Оn the place of registration

Does not depend on the vehicle's age


0 UAH – for passenger and commercial vehicles, motorcycles, and buses

2 000 UAH – for agricultural machinery and other mobile equipment

The size of the payouts

Up to 160,000 UAH for property damage

Up to 320,000 UAH for harm to life and health

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