My business protection
What risks are covered?
Payments for injuries and fractures
Payments according to the sick leave due to an accident
Disability of group 1 or 2 as a result of an accident
Death as a result of an accident
What does the cost depend on?
On the number of employees
От территории действия
From the profession, type of occupation of employees
Term of the contract
From 1 month to 1 year with a step of one month
Advantages in UNIQA
742 million UAH
claims paid in 2023 for life and health in 2023
for health insurance
374 thousand
Insured across Ukraine
we are with you
Questions and answers
What does accident insurance cover?
The insurance covers physical damage of varying degrees of severity sustained as a result of a road accident, natural disaster, unlawful actions of third parties, electric shock, or other sudden events. Damage includes injuries, mutilations, burns, frostbite, poisoning, wounds, and more.

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