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COVID-19 – answers to questions about health insurance

Dear Colleagues, Partners and Clients, During the COVID-19 outbreak period, UNIQA receives many questions from you both about our work and the recommended actions for our insured. We have prepared answers to your most frequently asked questions, as well as our recommendations. We will update the information when new data is received, and new questions and answers will be added.

COVID-19 – answers to questions about health insurance

The information is valid as of April 21, 2020


How does UNIQA handle cases that could potentially be recognised as COVID-19 infection?

UNIQA recommends adhering to the current protocols of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as MoH) and, first of all, informing the family doctor if the patient is at risk (up to two weeks after returning from abroad, contacting people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, etc. – full list at the link).

Until the official announcement of the epidemic in Ukraine, UNIQA is under an obligation to provide medications and treatment procedures under doctor's prescriptions in outpatient and inpatient cases, as well as in the case of hospitalisation in clinics with which UNIQA has contractual relations, in accordance with concluded insurance programs. If the insured person has received assistance at a clinic with which UNIQA does not have a contractual relationship, we are still ready to accept and consider reimbursement documents, if such cases have the characteristics of insured events, the services have been agreed by the Assistance and are in compliance with the insurance programs. More details on the procedure for submitting documents to receive the indemnity can be found below.


Is there any specificity for processing such claims today?

Yes, the new MoH rules have dramatically changed the logistics of claims that could be potentially recognised as COVID-19 infection. An epidemiological anamnesis is mandatorily collected. If the insured person identifies risk factors for COVID-19 infection, such cases are handled following the current MOH orders (details by link).

Anamnesis (Latin anamnesis < Greek ἀνάμνησις – "memory", "reminder") – the primary subjective method of the research of the patient, which is to obtain information about patients and their illness by questioning (link to the source).



I have complaints other than an acute respiratory disease – ARD (for example, stomach ache). Has anything changed in providing assistance for me as a person insured with UNIQA?

The procedure for providing assistance under other diseases/diagnoses remains unchanged. But please take into account objective circumstances, for example, at the moment there are orders from the authorities to discontinue planned hospitalisation and planned surgeries, as well as to re-profile healthcare facilities for the admission and treatment of infected patients in serious conditions. Every day we receive information about narrowing the list of services that commercial healthcare facilities are ready to provide, or about their complete closure for quarantine. Therefore, there may be indefinite delays in the provision of scheduled care. Please treat these cases with understanding.

In such cases, UNIQA offers online consulting services from our providers in different healthcare facilities. Details – by the link.


The doctor's advisory opinion issued after such online consultation is processed by UNIQA in the usual manner. In essence, a copy of the report shall be sent to UNIQA's medical assistant through myUNIQA mobile application: PlayMarket, AppStore or chat Telegram, Viber.

In addition, if the insured person can arrange a consultation on their own, we will accept and consider reimbursement documents, if such cases have the characteristics of insured events, the services have been agreed by the Assistance and are in compliance with the insurance programs. More details on the procedure for submitting documents to receive the indemnity can be found below.


I am insured with UNIQA under health insurance, and I have symptoms of ARD. What should I do?

Be sure to contact UNIQA. Please use myUNIQA mobile application: PlayMarket, AppStore or chat Telegram, Viber.

MyUNIQA mobile application - information about your health insurance contract and exclusions, your treatment history, your appointment with a doctor at your nearest healthcare facility and your online reports, more details.


The UNIQA doctor-coordinator will learn about your epidemiological anamnesis (whether you were abroad, etc.).

Depending on the complexity of the case (the complexity is determined by the doctor based on your complaints), an ambulance 103 call will be recommended if your condition requires an ambulance. Please note that commercial ambulance attends only in case of non-epidemiological anamnesis.

Negative epidemiological anamnesis

If the condition meets the criteria of outpatient treatment – in case of a negative epidemiological anamnesis, UNIQA offers our insureds to use the online consultation by a personal physician; for more information, follow the link. Please note that due to a large number of requests from the insured, the ability to call a doctor to home is currently significantly limited.

The doctor's advisory opinion issued after such online consultation is processed by UNIQA in the usual manner. In essence, a copy of the report shall be sent to UNIQA's medical assistant through myUNIQA mobile application: PlayMarket, AppStore or chat Telegram, Viber.

Positive epidemiological anamnesis

If the epidemiological anamnesis is positive – further actions will be carried out following the current protocols of the Ministry of Health: call 103, hospitalisation in a state clinic, which is designated for the admission of such patients in the corresponding region (clinics can be found following the link, the name of the clinic is displayed after the pointing on the map), and further actions according to the MoH algorithm.


Has the number of claims to UNIQA increased as of March 18, 2020?

Yes, the increase is mainly due to claims from insured persons with signs of ARD.

UNIQA's Assistants operates in full-time mode.


What preventive measures against COVID-19 does UNIQA recommend to its insureds?

Preventive measures against COVID-19 are the same as for any other respiratory viral infection. We recommend observing personal hygiene, ventilation, temperature and humidity conditions of the premises; full list of recommendations under the link.

As of today, no medications with proven efficacy exist, the admission of which would prevent viral infections, except for the vaccine. But the COVID-19 vaccine is still in development (link to the source)



I have a person in the team/I contacted the person diagnosed with pneumonia, and the person was hospitalised. What should I do?

Follow the same precautions as above. As a reminder, according to currently available world statistics, 80% of the world's population will experience COVID infection as a routine ARI, with symptoms of low fever, cold, sore throat, or generally asymptomatic (


How does UNIQA treat COVID-19 rapid tests, where to buy them, what is their effectiveness?

The COVID-19 testing systems are now available to the commercial sector. Testing is carried also by authorised state healthcare facilities. The protocol of prescribing such testing is regulated by the current order of the Ministry of Health.


Has the algorithm of submission of documents for compensation in case of independent payment by the insured person for services provided under the Voluntary Health Insurance Contract been changed?

Treating with understanding the situation in Ukraine and considering it necessary to support our clients, UNIQA reports that violation of the terms of submission by the insured person of the documents for compensation of expenses during the quarantine period will not be considered as a violation of the terms and conditions of the contract, and accordingly, will not be grounds for a refusal to pay insurance indemnity. The list of documents and your actions are specified at the link We inform you that due to quarantine and UNIQA's transition to a remote mode of operation, the terms of consideration of documents for claim payment may be extended.


Are there any changes in UNIQA working hours during the quarantine period?

For more information about UNIQA working hours and the services provided, see the link.

Medical and technical assistance work as usual – 24/7.

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dear Mrs,

I wil travel to ukraine next month in july, please to advise me on health insurance with covid 19 coverage during my stay in kiev.

looking forward to hearing from you soon


UNIQA Ukraine 20 July 2020


unfortunately, UNIQA Ukraine does not sell insurance for travelers in Ukraine.

But we can recommend you our partner - ERV in Ukraine, link to the site

Hopefully you will find there all the information you need.

Regards, UNIQA Team

Михаил 26 March 2020

Немного про Унику. Застраховал жену, заплатил 13000 грн. Понравилось что указанно обслуживание в клиниках Добробут, Вива. Случилось травма и необходимость операции. И...Добробут на стационар не покрывают, только гос. клиники с компенсацией мед препаратов. Все знают что такое "бесплатные" операции в гос клинике. Но и это не все. На лекарства израсхрдовано 30000 грн., документы предоставлены в Унику, месяц не могли добиться ответ, в итоге добились: максимальная компенсация 4000 грн. Не ведитесь на этих мошенников!!!

УНИКА 27 March 2020

Михаил, спасибо за обратную связь. Из Вашего объяснения мы видим, что ситуация соответствует типовыми условиям договора. До 16.03.2020 года у нас была программа «Классика», в которой покрывалось лечение в Добробуте только для амбулаторно-поликлинического обслуживания, и лимит на плановое лечение 4 000 грн. Эти условия зафиксированы в договоре, который подписывается с клиентом.

Как мы Вам отвечали на другом ресурсе, на котором Вы оставили такой же отзыв – пожалуйста, напишите жалобу по данному вопросу на электронный адрес, укажите ваш номер вашего полиса, чтобы мы могли более детально разобраться именно в Вашей ситуации.


Марія 23 March 2020

Доброго дня.

Чи є можливість відправити данний текст англійською мовою мені на пошту або опублікувати його для загального доступу на сайті? Адже є необхідність забезпечення цією інформацією англомовних експатів - клієнтів медичного страхування Уніки.


УНІКА 26 March 2020

Маріє, відправили вам інформацію на пошту.

Додатково найближчим часом розмістимо на сайті.

Дмитро 20 March 2020

Відносно пункту 8. Експрес тести.

Станом на 13 березня здається такі послуги пропонувались в одній комерційній клініці. Про це писала Jaanika Merilo у себе на фб.


УНИКА 20 March 2020

Дмитре, дякуємо за ваш коментар. Так, протягом певного часу тести були доступні і для комерційний клінік. Але як на день написання статті – 18.03., так і на сьогодні – 20.03, тестування проводиться лише уповноваженими державними закладами.

Галина 19 March 2020

Дякую за інформацію

Лариса 19 March 2020

Дякую за інформацію.


Сергій 19 March 2020


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